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Marie Poulin’s Daily Flow

I really like Marie Poulin's approach to working with Notion. Last week, she shared her daily workflow when it comes to using Notion.

  1. She has a "Start" page which is the first page she visits every day. It helps her follow her morning routine, review her principles, and set her intention for the day. More on that in this video.
  2. Then, she accesses her "Today" page, which contains everything necessary to work on during the day. It includes linked views to her Tasks, Content, Notes, and Library databases.
  3. Finally, at the end of the day, she visits her "Daily Meeze" page, which acts as a shutdown ritual. For those familiar with Cal Newport's work, you'll know what she means. For those who aren't, check out this resource. More on video here.

Marie Poulin’s Daily Notion Flow

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